A very high quality Brazilian Brand built tough for the arduous conditions of the African continent with full parts and service support from the Panafrican Group. Baldan has gained huge recognition being the Brand of choice of many an African farmer from small scale farmers to large commercial Agric operations. They have a very wide product line from Disc Harrows, Planters, Subsoilers, front loaders and leveling blades.

  • AF Mounted Disc Plough
  • CRSG - CRSG-L Harrows
  • GSPCR Harrows
  • Sp Harrows
  • PLB Directa
  • SAB Seed Drill
  • PSH Posty Hole Digger
  • RPU Rotary Slasher
  • DCF Lime Spreader
Model No of Discs Working Width Approx. Weight (kg) Required Tractor Power Brochure
(mm) 26" (kg) 28" (kg) 30" (kg) (Hp)
AF 2 600 308 319 325 40-50
AF 3 900 387 404 412 50-60
AF 4 1200 515 537 549 75-90
AF 5 1500 569 650 664 100-120
Model No of Discs Disc Diameter Working Width Approx. Weight (kg) Required Tractor Power Brochure
(ø) (mm) 26" (kg) 28" (kg) 30" (kg) (Hp)
CRSG 18 24"-26"-28" 2000 1768 1796 1836 95-105
CRSG 24 24"-26"-28" 2700 1950 1985 2025 132-145
CRSG-L 18 24"-26" 2000 1170 1210 - 80-90
CRSG-L 22 24"-26" 2450 1430 1480 - 90-100
CRSG-L 24 24"-26" 2700 1550 1605 - 100-120
Model No of Discs Working Width Approx. Weight (kg) Required Tractor Power Brochure
(mm) 26" (kg) 28" (kg) 30" (kg) (Hp)
GSPCR 28 5605 8070 8225 8435 420-470
GSPCR 32 6377 9540 9720 9960 480-535
GSPCR 36 7147 10030 10230 10500 540-560
Model No of Discs Working Width Disc Spacing Approx. Weight (kg) Required Tractor Power Brochure
(mm) (mm) 26" (kg) 28" (kg) 30" (kg) (Hp)
Sp 20 1700 175 470 500 543 46-51
Sp 24 2300 200 587 630 685 61-65
Model No Of Rows Total Width(mm) Header Width Approx Weight(Kg) Required Tractor Power(HP) Brochure
PLB Directa 2 2860 1800 438 40-50
PLB Directa 4 3860 2800 752 60-75
PLB Directa 6 4860 3800 1066 85-90
Model No Of Discs Fertilizer Tank Capacity Seed Tank Capacity Fine Seed Tank Capacity Useful Width Tractor Coupler Approximate Power
SAB 2000 11 333 182 35 1870 Drag 55 Tire 650x16x10 belts
SAB 2300 13 366 210 40 2210 Drag 65 Tire 650x16x10 belts
SAB 2600 15 423 241 47 2228 Drag 75 Tire 650x16x10 belts
SAB 3000 17 468 297 54 2890 Drag 85 Tire 650x16x10 belts
Model Drill Diameter Hole Diameter Approx.Weight(kg) Brochure
PSH Semi Broca - 144
PSH 9" 230 164
PSH 12" 310 172
PSH 18" 460 182
Model No Of Blades Cutting Width (mm) Approx. Weight (kg) Required Tractor Power (Hp) Brochure
RP / RPU 1500 2 1500 500 73
Model No Of Shank No Of Discs Disc Diameter Working Width(mm) Approx. Weight(kg) Working Depth(mm) Brochure
ASDADR 5 5 18"/20" 1875 1850 450/500 100-125
ASDADR 7 7 18"/20" 2625 2500 450/500 140-175
ASDADR 9 9 18"/20" 3375 2900 450/500 180-225
ASDADR 11 11 18"/20" 4125 3760 450/500 220-275
ASDADR 13 13 18"/20" 4875 4200 450/500 260-325
Model Load Capacity (m³) Total Length (mm) Total Width (mm) Total Height (mm) Approx Weight(Kg) Required Tractor Power(Hp) Brochure
DCF-3000 1,60 3700 1760 1650 850 50-70
DCF-6000 2,80 4400 1850 1750 1203 75-90